The Greater Good – November 7, 2024 Issue Continued

NAMI New Orleans and NAMI St. Tammany Merge to Create NAMI Southeast Louisiana with Support from Greater New Orleans Foundation 

Continued from the 11.7.24 issue of The Greater Good

In 2020, the Foundation, in partnership with the University of New Orleans, released The State of Nonprofits in Southeast Louisiana: The Impact of the COVID 19 Pandemic, which documented the major impacts the COVID-19 pandemic had on nonprofits. In the study, two-thirds of all local nonprofits reported experiencing financial losses resulting from the pandemic, 84 percent said they were anticipating financial difficulties, and 23 percent stated they would be open to a merger, quite a surprise in a sector where consolidations have generally been resisted. Recognizing these challenges, the Foundation established the Strategic Restructuring and Mergers Fund. The Fund helps nonprofits consider opportunities amidst the crisis, and it both guides organizations through this complex process and provides the funding needed to get it done.